Medication Reminders


•If your child is on medication, please request a separate bottle from the pharmacy for the school clinic.  All medicine must be in the original container with a prescription label.

•Parent or guardian must administer the first time dose of any new prescription medication or any over the counter medicine that the child has never taken before. The parent should be in close supervision of the child for at least 12-24 hours to detect if any serious reactions occur.  New medication should not be administered for the first time at school.

•Please do not send medication with the child.  A parent/guardian needs to bring medicine to school.

•Physician authorization is required for all prescriptions, herbal medication & doses different than label.   Medication will be administered as instructed on box, unless accompanied with a physician’s order instructing to do differently.

•A parent or guardian signature is required before any medication will be administered.

•Medicine must be picked up at the end of the school year; medicine not picked up will be discarded.

•The Authorization to Administer Medication form is only good for one school year.

•Any changes in prescription medication dosage must have a physician’s order.  Each medication requires its own medication form.

•Acetaminophen (middle and high only) and emergency use Antihistamine are available in the school clinic providing there is written parent permission on file.

•Parent may be contacted by the nurse if Acetaminophen is requested more than twice in one week.